Apr 24, 2023
This week we welcome two very special guests all the way from Korea - the founder of JADAM, Youngsang Cho, and his daughter, Sunyoung Cho. In this episode, we discuss the history and basics of JADAM and Korean Natural Farming.
Connect With Youngsang Cho:
Youngsang Cho,The president of JADAM, started organic farming in Korea in 1989. He learned natural farming from his father, Hankyu Cho who founded Korean Natural Farming (KNF). Based on his father's farming and Asian traditional farming, he founded JADAM (meaning "People that resemble nature") in 1991. He has developed a number of core technologies necessary for popularizing organic farming. JADAM, which leads Ultra-Low-Cost agriculture, is the largest organic farming organization with more than 75,000 members in South Korea.
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