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The Beet: A Podcast For Plant Lovers

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Keep Growing,


Aug 31, 2017

Do you have garden tools that have gotten all rusty and neglected? They're easily saved with a little vinegar, lubricant, and a scouring pad. Find out how in today's episode.

YouTube Video

Blog PostHow to Remove Rust From Tools The Easiest Way


Aug 30, 2017

One of the biggest complaints I get from potential hydroponic growers is just how UGLY hydroponics systems can look. In this episode I riff on some ways to beautify your gardens.

Keep Growing,


Aug 29, 2017

Today's question comes from Phil Koster, who wanted to know about the differences in animal manure and whether it's a balanced fertilizer. Well, I went a bit numbers-crazy in this episode but I hope you still enjoy!

Keep Growing,


Aug 28, 2017

Today's question comes from Phil, who wonders why his iceberg lettuce didn't form a head. There's an easy answer...

Keep Growing,


Aug 27, 2017

Today's question comes from Phil, who asks about planting asparagus in late fall. Is it possible? Find out the answer, plus how to grow asparagus in general in today's episode.

Keep Growing,
